One of the services I provide is the assessment of workers who are experiencing psychological problems which may be interfering with their safety and effectiveness on the job. These assessments are described in detail in this section. A hard copy brochure is available upon request .

Psychological Disabilities in the Workplace

  • Psychological disorders and stress-related illness account for an increasing percentage of absenteeism and workplace disability cases.

  • Some insurers are finding that today the majority of disability cases are psychological in nature.

  • Even larger costs are associated with "presenteeism" or the loss of productivity in workers who are suffering from psychological problems, but remain at work.

  • Psychological disabilities can be more difficult to detect and diagnose than physical disabilities.

  • Psychological disorders often co-occur with other psychological disorders, substance abuse or physical problems, so are often more complicated to treat.

  • Early intervention is key to reducing the emotional and financial costs associated with psychological disabilities.

  • Effective intervention begins with a thorough assessment and detailed treatment plan.

Appropriate Referrals for a Workplace Psychological Health Assessment

  • Workers who have gone off work on a "stress"” leave or psychological disability leave

  • Workers doing a safety sensitive job where functioning is a concern

  • Workers who have had a incident of threatening or violence and have been asked to not return to work until deemed safe to return

  • Workers with a substance abuse problem who have been deemed unsafe to be at work

  • Workers who have experienced a severe trauma and who appear to have difficulty functioning

Referring Agents

  • Employers

  • Unions

  • Insurers

  • Rehabilitation coordinators

  • Physicians

What is involved in a Workplace Psychological Assessment?

  • Structured assessment interview

  • Psychological testing

  • Collateral information from employer, physician, union, insurer, family members

  • Focused report

  • Recommendations for treatment

  • Recommendations for return to work

  • Facilitation of referral

  • Coordination with physician, employer and insurer as appropriate

  • Follow-up

Costs and benefits

  • These assessments are focused and cost-efficient.

  • They can be used to clarify insurance claims.

  • They can save an insurer or employer money by identifying treatment plans.

  • They can satisfy an employer’s legal responsibility to ensure the safe return of workers to safety sensitive positions

  • They can satisfy an employer’s legal responsibility to ensure the safe return of workers following incidents of threatening, violence, harassment and substance abuse

My experience
I was the Director of Clinical Services for a large psychological services firm from 1991-2005 and was responsible for managing the firm’s employee assistance and disability management programs in British Columbia. In that position, I oversaw the work of over 125 psychologists and counselors and was involved in many workplace psychological assessments.